Statement from the Irish Hospital Consultants Association, Friday 13 March 2020

By dara
Friday, 13th March 2020

covidPresident Dr Donal O’Hanlon said: 

“We note the publication of the National Treatment Purchase Fund waiting lists today. 

“There is work to do both acutely and in the long term to look after the patients of Ireland. In these unpredictable and unprecedented times, we are supporting our front-line staff who may have to curtail usual operations to look after urgently sick patients. 

“The focus understandably is on freeing up bed capacity to allow for the coronavirus surge, so the cancellation of non-essential surgery is necessary given the scale of the challenge we are facing.

“For now, we have to all work together to create capacity in the immediate term and we welcome the contingency steps taken so far by the Department of Health and the HSE. 

“Hospital consultants are focused on supporting all patients through the virus and urge the public to abide by the official guidance on hand washing and social distancing.”



Lauren Murphy │ │ 083 801 5917
Barry Murphy │ │ 087 266 9878

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