
6th October 2018

Chronic shortage of hospital consultants and capacity severely impacting patient care according to the IHCA

Saturday 6th October 2018: The widespread and chronic shortage of hospital consultants, beds and other facilities in public hospitals is severely impacting patient care across the country, according to the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA). At their Annual Conference in Galway today, the IHCA President, Dr Donal O’Hanlon, said a combination of having one of the lowest numbers of specialist hospital consultants in Europe and having over 500 unfilled posts is resulting in patients not being able to access timely medical care. The IHCA today held its 30th Annual Conference in Galway, which was attended by hospital consultants from across Ireland.
27th September 2018

2019 Health Budget needs to increase hospital capacity to provide care to patients without unacceptable delays

 27 September 2018: The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) said that the 2019 Health Budget must increase the funding for public hospitals if the Government wishes to avoid record waiting lists and an increasing trolleys crisis next year.  The Association said that each year over the past decade the health budget, and especially that for public hospitals, has been inadequately resourced to treat the growing number of patients that require hospital care. Both inpatient and outpatient waiting lists have increased by 40% in the last four years, which cannot be addressed properly without significantly increased funding to expand public hospital capacity.
21st September 2018

IHCA President outlines stark realities to Taoiseach and Ministers on irreparable damage to Public Hospital Care

The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) said that the Government must end the discrimination against new entrant Consultants before public hospital care and the population that depends upon it are irreparably damaged. The IHCA President, Dr Donal O’Hanlon, has taken the exceptional action of outlining the stark realities in letters to the Taoiseach, Ministers for Health, Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform and the main political party leaders and spokespersons on health, finance and expenditure. Dr O’Hanlon said that our acute hospital and mental health services will increasingly fail our patients due to the large number of approved permanent consultant posts that cannot be filled as a consequence of the discriminatory salary cuts imposed by the State on new entrant Consultants. 
18th September 2018

IHCA AGM Galmont Hotel Galway, 6th October 2018

click here to view
4th September 2018

Statement from the IHCA on the Consultant Recruitment and Retention Crisis.

The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) has said that it welcomes the confirmation in the Public Service Pay Commission Report of the significant crisis in the recruitment and retention of hospital consultants.
9th August 2018

Statement from the IHCA re Sláintecare Implementation Strategy

The Irish Hospital Consultants Association notes the publication today of the Sláintecare Implementation Strategy by the Minister for Health, Simon Harris. The IHCA believes that the Sláintecare Report is inherently flawed as it fails to provide sufficient solutions for the biggest capacity deficits in our acute hospitals. There is a critical shortage of hospital beds, consultants, other frontline staff and equipment which is impeding our ability to care for patients. The proposal to introduce 2,600 new beds over the next 15 years is insufficient and fails to immediately address the very urgent needs of patients who need access to care in our acute hospitals. The Minister and the HSE need to set out a very clear timetable as to how these shortages, including the insufficient number of consultants, will be addressed over the next five years otherwise we will continue to see unacceptable and growing waiting lists and delays in providing care to the population that depend on our public hospital services.
9th July 2018

IHCA survey confirms health service facing exodus of recently appointed hospital consultants due to blatant discrimination

9 July, 2018: The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) today released the results of a survey of 317 recently appointed  Consultant members that confirms acute hospital and mental health services face an escalating and unprecedented consultant recruitment and retention crisis due to ongoing blatant discrimination by the State and health service employers against new hospital Consultants.
26th June 2018

Dr Donal O’Hanlon announced as new President of the IHCA

Dr Donal O’Hanlon announced as new President of the IHCA
15th June 2018

IHCA welcomes today’s settlement of the breach of Consultant Contract cases.

15 June, 2018: The Irish Hospital Consultants Association said that today’s High Court settlement, is an important and essential development in order to ensure the delivery of high quality care to patients in the public health service.
25th May 2018

Irrefutable evidence on the scale and depth of the consultant recruitment and retention crisis

25 May, 2018: An Irish Hospital Consultants Association delegation, led by Dr Tom Ryan, President of the IHCA, recently met with the Public Service Pay Commission to present irrefutable evidence that the prolonged consultant recruitment and retention crisis is deteriorating and undermining the provision of care to patients. The discussions supplemented and reinforced the contents of the Association’s submission to the Commission in November 2017 on the extent of the crisis.

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